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Professional Development Workshops

Becoming more effective assets in the workplace

  • 2 hr
  • Cost Upon Request
  • Custom Location or Online

Service Description

Distinctly Guided offers several workshops to organizations. The following workshops will provide organizations with innovative experiences and opportunities for employees to grow their knowledge base while improving their skills to become more effective assets in the workplace.     IMPROVING MINDFULNESS: Life constantly demands our attention, but when we become fixated on the past or worried about the future, we often miss vital information in our present situations. Cultivating a state where you are constantly aware of your present moment is not impossible, but it takes practice.   MANAGING DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS: We can get into a routine where it feels  like everyone we speak with is either having a bad day or we are having a   bad day ourselves. In this workshop, individuals will recognize how their own attitudes and action impact others, develop new and effective techniques for dealing with difficult people, utilize techniques for managing and dealing with anger and establishing personalized coping strategies for dealing with difficult people and difficult situations.   PROBLEM SOLVING & DECISION MAKING: In this workshop individuals will apply problem solving steps and tools, analyze information to clearly describe problems, identify appropriate solutions, and think creatively to be a contributing member of a problem-solving team. SOCIAL LEARNING: In this course, individuals will define and use social learning, manipulate group dynamics and culture, identify social learning tools, craft and lead role play scenarios, practice being a role model and understand modeling and observation. WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP: This workshop will inform organizations on how they can develop women leaders, the benefits of women in organizations, as well as identifying advancements for the future of women. CRITICAL THINKING: This workshop offers practical tools and hands on experience with critical thinking and problem solving. Individuals participating in this workshop will define critical and non-critical thinking, identify their critical thinking styles, including areas of strength and improvement as well as describing other thinking styles, which include left/right brain thinking and whole-brain thinking. TEAMWORK & TEAM BUILDING: In this workshop individuals will describe the concept of a team and its factors for success, explain the four phases of the Tuckman Team Development model and define their characteristics.

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