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Parent Workshops

Practical solutions to modern day parenting

  • 2 hr
  • Cost Upon Request
  • Custom Location or Online

Service Description

Parent Education and Parent Focused Intervention is a necessary strategy to engage and allow parents to acquire new behavioral patterns through social modeling. This can be a positive source of encouragement, proficiency, and actuation to a parent. Building and strengthening interpersonal relationships between parents and children require strong social-emotional skills. Restorative Parenting refers to a parental philosophy that emphasizes repairing harm over excessive punishment and shaming. It is the commitment to personal accountability for mistakes and wrongdoings and the opportunity with the one they have intentionally or unintentionally harmed to make things right. Incorporation Social Learning and Restorative Parenting, this workshop will guide parents to understand the importance of accountability and taking responsibility for making child focused decisions regarding parental time. It will offer intervention, preventative, and improvement strategies for parental outcomes. This workshop will also offer a familial approach, which can equally and intentionally provide services and opportunities for parents and children’s lives. Parents will be empowered to practice research based, gentle parenting techniques in an effort to raise responsible, independent, and respectful children. Additionally, parents will walk away with tools on how to disengage from power struggles and have meaningful, effective conversations with their children and other integral family members.

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